,Jobs Description,Number of Vacancies, Maximum Age limit,Pay Scale for Month, Details Eligibility qualification, Educational qualifications, Desirable qualification,Mode of apply Time and Date of the registration, Walk in Interview, Information about BPS Govt Medical College Staff Nurse Vacancy June 2017 Details Given Below.
Also Know About
- Job Location:- Sonepat, Haryana
- Hiring Organisation:-Bharat Phool Singh Government Medical College for Women Sonepat, Haryana
- Public Health Nurse -02 posts
- Technical Assistant -37 posts
- Laboratory Technician -31 posts
- Electrophysiology Technician -01 post
- Jr. Physiotherapist -04 posts
- Blood Bank Technical Supervisor -2 posts
- Blood Bank Technician -05 posts
- Lab Attendant -10 posts
- Dental Technician -3 posts
- ECG Technician -06 posts
- Dark Room Assistant -02 posts
- Radiography Technician -3 posts
- Prosthetic Orthotic Technician -2 posts
- Work Shop Worker -19 posts
- Vocational Counselor -01 post
- Multi Rehabilitation Worker -02 posts
- CSSD Supervisor -2 posts
- OT Assistant -01 post
- Anesthesia Technician -08 posts
- Health Educator -03 posts
- Social Worker -01 post
- Modeler -01 post
- Health Inspector -02 posts
- TB and Chest Disease Health Visitor -01 post
- Clerk -23 posts
- Medical Record Clerk -03 posts
- Store Keeper -05 posts
- Stenographer -07 posts
- Steno cum Computer Operator -05 posts
- Steno Typist -09 posts
- Jr.Programmer – 03 posts
- Driver H.M.V -09 posts
- Drier L.M.V -08 posts
- Hotel Supervisor -02 posts
- Superintendent Boys Hospital -01 posts
- Superintendent girs Hospital -01 post
- Biomedical Engineer -01 post
- Class IV Peon -01 post
- Fire Officer -01 post
- Lift Operator -25 posts
- Cook -3 posts
- Assistant Cook -02 posts
- Helper or Waiter -04 posts
- Painter -01 post
- Statistician -1 post
- Name of the post:–Public Health Nurse
- Number of Vacancies:-02 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Intermediate and Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery or Bachelor Degree in Nursing B.Sc Nursing (Hons) or Post Basic B.Sc Nursing from a Government Recognised University or Institution and Candidates Should Be Registered in Haryana Nurses Council
- Experience:-Candidates should have five years experience as Staff Nurse
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:- Level-11 and Grade Pay Rs.4800/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Technical Assistant
- Number of Vacancies:-37 posts
- Educational Qualification:-B.Sc MLT With Two years experience or Matriculation and DMLT
- Experience:-Candidates should have five years experience as Lab Technician in a Reputed Lab
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Laboratory Technician
- Number of Vacancies:-31 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Matriculation and DMLT
- Desirable:– Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Electrophysiology Technician
- Number of Vacancies:-01 post
- Educational Qualification:-Matriculation and DMLT
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c Preference will be Given to the Candidates with experience of handling Research Equipment
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
Detailed Notification – Click Here
BPS Govt Medical College Staff Nurse Vacancy June 2017 Jr. Physiotherapist Jobs Details- Name of the post:-Jr. Physiotherapist
- Number of Vacancies:-04 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Intermediate with Science and Degree or Diploma in Physiotherapy
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Blood Bank Technical Supervisor
- Number of Vacancies:-2 posts
- Educational Qualification:-B.Sc MLT or Intermediate and DMLT or Matric with Diploma in Poly technique
- Experience:-Minimum Five years experience in component separation,ELISA Testing,Quality Control etc in a Blood bank
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Blood Bank Technician
- Number of Vacancies:-05 posts
- Educational Qualification:-B.Sc MLT
- Experience:-Minimum two years experience in component separation,ELISA Testing,Quality Control etc in a Blood bank
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Lab Attendant
- Number of Vacancies:-10 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Matriculation with Science
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Level-2 and Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Dental Technician
- Number of Vacancies:-3 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Matric and Diploma in Dental Mechanic
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
BPS Govt Medical College Staff Nurse Vacancy June 2017 ECG Technician Jobs Details
- Name of the post:-ECG Technician
- Number of Vacancies:-06 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Matriculation and Diploma in ECG Trainig course and Three years Experience
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Level-4 and Grade Pay Rs.2400/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Dark Room Assistant
- Number of Vacancies:-02 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Matric and 6 months experience in Dark room work in X-Ray
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Level-2 and Grade Pay Rs.1900/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
- Name of the post:-Radiography Technician
- Number of Vacancies:-3 posts
- Educational Qualification:-Intermediate and B.Sc in Radiography and therapy Technology
- Desirable:- Knowledge of Basic Computer Applications such as MS.Word, MS.Excel,MS.Office Internet e.t.c
- Salary:-Rs.9,300 to 34,800 and Grade Pay Rs.4200/-
- Age limit:-18 years to 42 years
Application mode:- On-line For Application Click here
Last Date for application:-11th July 2017
Application fee:- Rs.500/- for Unreserved CategoryRs.250/- for reserved category and Rs.125/- for Women Candidates Interested candidates who fulfill the Above qualifications can apply through On-line
Get more Information about BPS Govt Medical College Staff Nurse Vacancy June 2017 Paramedical Jobs Details and Official Notification Download
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